Our case studies leverage sensor technologies,
infrastructure, and online, automated analysis
techniques to investigate the relationship between
acoustics and ecological indicators. Our preliminary
studies are promising and show that there exists a
positive correlation between acoustics and ecological
Shown in Figure 1a is a plot of the normalized
difference soundscape index (NDSI) for the month of
May 2006. To produce this plot, the acoustics
at a pond site in Okemos, Michigan were recorded
every 30 minutes for a duration of 30 seconds
every day in May. The NDSI is computed
as the ratio of the sound intensity found in
the frequencies where biological sounds (biophony)
are most prevalent (2-8 kilohertz) to the frequencies
where mechanical sounds (technophony) are most
prevalent (1-2 kilohertz). NDSI has values in
the range +1 to -1, with +1 indicating that a signal
contains only biophony. As shown in the figure,
NDSI has a larger biophonic component between 2100
and 0730 hours.
One method that we have implemented for automated
species identification is the computation of the correlation
coefficient between a species signature and the
recorded acoustic clips collected by in-field
sensor platforms.
To construct a signature for an organism, we
extract a sub-image from a
containing the species vocalization that is to
be identified. Figure 1b depicts a plot of the
signature match correlation for identifying the
spring peeper (Pseudacris crucifer crucifer).
As shown, the spring peeper signaled most often
between 2030 and 0600 hours throughout May.
Although these examples illustrate the potential
for using acoustics for ecosystem assessment, there
is still much more work to be done. At REAL, we
are exploring machine learning and other techniques
to further enable
soundscape interpretation
and facilitate automated ecosystem assessment.
Moreover, many of these techniques enable better
data stewardship.